Economia Napoli, Napoli

Borsa e mercati, lo spread chiude a 185 punti

epa05660928 Stock traders check data on several screens at the stock exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, 05 December 2016. Germany's main stock index DAX rose of more than 200 points, or 1.6 per cent, to a 10.682 point level in midday trading. Traders were quoted by German business newspapers as saying that investors are now clearing their tense security aquisitions following the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's referendum defeat on 04 December. EPA/BORIS ROESSLER
epa05660928 Stock traders check data on several screens at the stock exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, 05 December 2016. Germany's main stock index DAX rose of more than 200 points, or 1.6 per cent, to a 10.682 point level in midday trading. Traders were quoted by German business newspapers as saying that investors are now clearing their tense security aquisitions following the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's referendum defeat on 04 December. EPA/BORIS ROESSLER

NAPOLI. Lo spread tra Btp e Bund sfiora i 190 punti base arrivando a 189, ai massimi da giugno 2017, e chiude in lieve calo a 185 punti base. Lo riporta l’Ansa. Il rendimento del titolo decennale italiano è al 2,37%.
