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Falso allarme bomba sull’aereo, condannato a 12 anni

epa06240892 (FILE) - A passenger walks within a viewing gallery of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) as a Malaysia Airlines aircraft is seen in the background, in Sepang, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 July 2016 (reissued 03 October 2017). According to a report released by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) on 03 October 2017, ATSB said that the reasons behind the disappearance of Malaysia airlines flight MH370, until the aircraft is found, cannot be established with certainty, adding it is almost 'inconceivable and societally unacceptable' for a large commercial aircraft to be missing in the modern age. The agency expressed sympathy to the families of the passengers and crew on board the missing airliner. The MH370 went missing from radar on 08 March 2014, while traveling from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China with 239 people aboard. Authorities from the governments of Australia, China and Malaysia suspended the search for the plane in January 2017 after conducting an extensive underwater search of a 120,000 square-kilometer area in the Indian Ocean. Investigators stated that the understanding of where missing plane may be resting is 'better now than it has ever been' after a reanalysis of satellite data from March 2014 isolated an area that has the highest probability of its location. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL

NAPOLI. Un giudice australiano ha condannato un uomo dello Sri Lanka a 12 anni di carcere per aver minacciato di fare esplodere una finta bomba su un volo della Malaysia Airlines, terrorizzando più di 200 passeggeri e membri dell’equipaggio. Lo riporta l’Ansa.

La condanna per falso allarme bomba

A maggio dell’anno scorso, Manodh Marks urlò di avere un ordigno e corse lungo il corridoio con un dispositivo elettronico lampeggiante, costringendo il volo diretto a Kuala Lumpur a rientrare a Melbourne poco dopo il decollo. Il tribunale di Melbourne l’ha condannato per dirottamento, un reato la cui pena massima è 20 anni.

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