Cronaca Napoli, Napoli

Germania, arrestato in Iraq killer della 14enne di Magonza

epa06786161 Policemen stand guard near a school, where two suspect persons were said to be sighted by witnesses, in Berlin, Germany, 05 June 2018. Pupils and teachers were led out of a school in the Gesundbrunnen area, as police received a call, where witnesses claimed to have seen two suspect persons entering the school building. EPA/HAYOUNG JEON
epa06786161 Policemen stand guard near a school, where two suspect persons were said to be sighted by witnesses, in Berlin, Germany, 05 June 2018. Pupils and teachers were led out of a school in the Gesundbrunnen area, as police received a call, where witnesses claimed to have seen two suspect persons entering the school building. EPA/HAYOUNG JEON

NAPOLI. Il ventenne iracheno Ali Bashar, accusato del delitto di Susanna, la 14enne stuprata e uccisa in Germania il cui corpo è stato identificato ieri, è stato arrestato nella notte intorno alle 2 nel nord dell’Iraq.


Lo ha annunciato il ministro degli Interni tedesco Horst Seehofer, nel corso di una conferenza stampa a Berlino, a margine dell’incontro con gli assessori degli interni dei Laender tedeschi. Lo riporta l’Ansa. “Si tratta – ha detto – di un buon risultato della collaborazione fra le forze di sicurezza curda e la polizia tedesca”.

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